CUP Management Master/PhD Program
SVU Management Master/PhD Program
·中国有多达1,300位 个人财富 50亿元人民币 以上的企业家登上富豪榜,平均 年龄58岁正处于财富管理的转折时期,正在进行对下一代的传承与接班的高峰期。
·中国富裕家庭总财富达164万亿元 ,是中国全年GDP的1.4倍 ,未来 20年/30年 将有 51万亿元/98万亿元 财富传给下一代 。在光环背后,富有阶层也承载了难以 想象的难题,如

□ 政策因素/监管变化带来企业危机
□ 产业跨界形成的恶性竞争
□ 传统封闭思维局限眼光
· The wealth management program in China has successfully cultivated hundreds of MBAs/DBAs to impart their research on wealth management ideas and business perspectives and value propositions.

· As many as 1,300 entrepreneurs with a personal wealth of more than RMB¥5 billion yuan have been entitled onto the billionaire listing, with an average age of 58 years old, who are at a turning point in their wealth management, and are turnaround at the peak demand for heir-training towards the next generation.
· The total wealth accumulation of China's billionaires has reached RMB¥164 trillion yuan, which is 1.4 times China's annual GDP, and in the next 5 years , there will be RMB ¥51 trillion yuan of wealth will be passed on to the next generation. There is a loud and clear calling for a serious study in Heir-Training
· Behind the market demand for Heir-Training, BILLIONAIRES are also facing series of challenges, such as:

▶ Policy factors/regulatory changes bring about corporate crises
▶ Vicious competition formed by cross-border industries
▶ Traditional closed-mindedness limits vision
Global Recognitions Your Achievements in Wealth Management


Forbes has joined forces with a number of well-known business schools in Europe and the United States to launch jointly the Wealth Management & Family Legacy Global MBA/DBA degree program, allowing Billionaires to continue their careers while experiencing the classic courses of the world's top universities, helping them seize the opportunities of the times and open up a new way to lead change in an uncertain situations.
Respond to the ever-changing and complex business environment; Help a new generation of entrepreneurs to improve their wealth appreciation management capabilities under the new wealth trend, build happy wealth, and grasp the sustainable development of individuals, families and society.

Course Orientation

The program is positioned to nurture internationally competitive senior managers in multinational family offices and other professional services firms who undertake or participate in corporate strategic decision-making and are well versed in China's national conditions. The curriculum and teaching are based on the original DBA curriculum of the universities, which aims to train students to integrate their practical experience accumulated over the years with the professional knowledge they have learned through rigorous applied research, and then transform them into practical solutions to help enterprises and the entire industry solve some decision-making management problems, burst out new thinking in business management, and lead enterprises to stand out in the highly competitive global business market. Students can choose their research area according to their interests and areas of work.

为拓展学员的国际视野,校方为EDBA, EMBA 的学员提供为期 5天的高级课程,参与由英国剑桥大学/牛津大学教授授课 。

1. EMBA项目的学费标准为美元30,000元。
2. EDBA项目的学费标准为美元50,000元。
3. 学费在开学前缴付所有费用。
4. 若学员退学或被大学勒令停学,所付费用概不退还。
5. 所有在港或境外上课的交通、食宿及保险费用由学员自理。
· The required courses include four directions: Strategic Management, Risk Management, Corporate Compliance, and International Politics and Economics

· Overseas training courses
In order to broaden students' international perspectives, the university offers a 5-day advanced course for DBA and MBA students, taught by professors from the University of Cambridge/Oxford University in the United Kingdom.
Outstanding students will also have the opportunity to apply for the University of Cambridge/University of Oxford Postdoctoral Programme.

· Project fees
1. The standard tuition fee for the MBA program is US$30,000.
2. The tuition fee for the DBA program is US$50,000.
3. All tuition fees are to be paid before the start of the semester.
4. Fees paid are non-refundable if a student withdraws from the course or is suspended from the University.
5. Students are responsible for all transportation, accommodation and insurance expenses for classes in Hong Kong or overseas.

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